Our catering systems with HW POSIFLEX are used both in small establishments with approx. 100 diners, as well as in large catering systems in which several establishments (dining rooms, restaurants, canteens, production centers) are connected with dozens of computers and cash registers, which handle approx. 10,000 diners and whose services are used by more than 30,000 customers (can be expanded further).
Our customers include state administration, industrial enterprises, universities and secondary schools, hospitals and medical facilities, catering companies, restaurant operators. We greatly appreciate the fact that many of our customers have been our partners for 18 years or more. In addition to our company, partner companies also install the SW developed by us. The growing number of installations in recent years (several per month) and the fact that our customers are replacing similar systems of competing companies with our software prove that we are succeeding in modernizing our software and improving its functionality.
We have many years of experience in the service support of small and large-scale connected catering systems as well as systems working continuously.
If you are interested, we will be happy to demonstrate our systems to you, and possibly arrange a visit to one of the already installed systems that will be closest to your requirements.
The users of our systems (individual installations as well as connected establishments and chains) include: